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Get Out Of The Trenches, And Lead Your People To Victory

Presented by Toach Ministries International

"So Joshua did as Moses said to him, and fought with Amalek. And Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. And so it was, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed." - Exodus 17:10-11

The hardest lesson to learn as a leader is to get out of the trenches. Having birthed this work from scratch, you’ve become the ‘Jack of all trades’, because no one could help you.

However, that season has changed. The Lord requires you to change, so you can adapt to the growth. You are a leader! Your team needs you to lead them. They need you above the battlefield with the Lord, as you direct them to victory. Make the shift, so you can go to never levels of growth and victory!

Ending Note:

To lead yourself is easy, it gets tricky when you need others to people to follow you! If you are in this predicament, Colette has your back! Get your question answered and lead people like a BOSS…


Get Out Of The Trenches, And Lead Your People To Victory

By Jessica Toach


Today's Prophetic Word is the leaders needing direction for their congregation.

As a leader, you feel the attack from every side. You're fed up and ready to call it quits. But don’t you understand this is the enemy’s goal for you? To wear you down until you submit to his onslaught. Today, God empowers you. He wants you to know….

"My child, My grace is sufficient for you. You're weary because you're fighting in your strengths, not in My power. Because of this, the enemy continues to send destruction. He will zap your strength and weaken your grace.

Your strength is not enough to get through this season. You need My anointing and My strength to STAND. I don't need you in the trenches to fight the battles, I need you to stand and be the covering for My people. As I protect you from the enemy, it is for you to stand and protect those submitted under you.

Don't be fooled. I am not the one attacking you, nor is it My will. But I will use you as a battering ram to break through enemy lines and pave the way to take the land. Set your eyes above the battle and focus on the victory. For once the battle is over, your work will begin. Keep your eyes on the reward. Stand in My strength, and victory will be yours," says the Lord.

Thanks for reading!

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