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God Grants You Success And Freedom From The Shame Of Poverty

Updated: Jun 2, 2022

I grew up poor. What hurt wasn't being without food. It was the shame of my poverty. I never fit in. I tried to pretend that we were ok. This was the biggest lie of all. That poverty tricked me! It made me think that Jesus didn't see me. And so I became angry at Him. He didn't leave me in that condition though. He taught me to be successful and today He makes you the same offer. Don't let lack dictate who you are today! Love and blessings, Colette Toach P.S. I want to point you to Essentials for the New Move audio series that will boost your faith and start you on the road to success. Each message is designed to peel off the shame of lack and impart favor and blessing. Get it here. Listen and apply the principles!

Are you waiting on a reply from the Lord, then this prophetic word is for YOU! by Eloise Flanders

As I came to the Lord concerning you today, He gave me this picture of you on your face before Him. You've been bringing your petitions for provision to Him. You have endured the struggles and the pressures that have been thrown at you over the years. The enemy came after you with all He had. You thought that surely you've missed the Lord along the way. You're barely making ends meet and you've been faithful to His service. Today, He wants to give you hope. Your season for restoration has come.

"My child, I've heard your plea. Don't feel discouraged. Don't believe that I've been ignoring your cry. Rather, see that I've been arranging the circumstance ahead for you. The enemy has been arranging circumstances, too. He wants you to be disheartened. He wants for you to run to Him for your needs instead of Me. But, you've proven yourself to Me and I'm seeing to it that you get your reward. Rejoice!

Look up and see hope above the horizon. No longer will you bow down in shame because of lack. Realize that everything you've gone through has given you the wisdom to acquire success. See that I had to get the right people in place and to align the system that was set up to cause My people to fail. Had I given you what you wanted when you asked, you wouldn't have the knowledge to sustain the land that I promised. Now, My child, you have the tools and the experience to create and sustain much more than just for your family but to help build others in My Kingdom.

Don't you see that I was not only making a way for you, but was raising you up to make a way for others to come? I had sent others ahead of you to create a way for you to be established. You'll be used to open the doors for the next generation to have a foundation to continue to build on. Didn't I promise that on this rock I will build My church? Are you willing to be that rock? Are you willing to see your trials as a pathway for My children to come into success?

A new season is upon you. A season of restoration. I'll cause you to reap a hundredfold of what the enemy has stolen. I'll cause people from all nations to drink from the well that I created for My church. I'm bringing you out of the wilderness to take this world by storm. No longer will you be feasting off locusts but you'll eat the good of the land," says the Lord. "You may not have seen My plan but I'm revealing it to you that you may have hope for the future. So, look up and see My hand at work."

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