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Your Father Recognizes Your Potential And Affirms Your Identity

Updated: Jun 2, 2022

We are often told what needs to change. After a while you're challenged to know what's your call and what others imposed on you. This word is for you and will help set you straight! Your Heavenly Father sees you. He recognizes you. He knows your identity because He gave it to you. Now it's for you to believe Him! Love and blessings Colette Toach P.S. Join us and others in the Next Gen Prophet family in Houston Texas for our gathering on 27th April! Thanks to our sponsors, registration is FREE! Register here:

Feeling unsure if you're in the Father's will? This Prophetic Word is For You! by Chaifa Berry

There are two needs that drive us in this world: the need for acceptance, and the need for recognition. The second need is one that can push us to perform - but in a way that's unhealthy. Sometimes the need is so loud that we run so fast, so we can fill it with accomplishments and gold stars.

The Father wants you to run fast, but first He wants you to know that gold stars can’t fill that need... only His words to you can. He says to you:

“My child, you want to run ahead and build and fill the void that's in your heart, but don’t you know that before I came from My Father - before I was sent - I was with Him from the beginning of time?

I’ve called you to do the same - to be with the Father - that you may come from Him. I have so much to impart to you, to add on to you, so that you don't trip into the enemy’s snares. However, you’ve wanted to run so far ahead that you forgot, you cannot do it without Me.

Come to Me, child, and receive My power and the identity I have for you. You're made in my image and I want to show you where you have My DNA. I put My heart into you, so that you would love My people, I put My Spirit in you, so that you would cry out to Me.

I put My fire in you, and that's why you want to do so much for Me. But, it starts with gazing upon My image until you see yourself in Me and Me in you. I want you to know what I know about you - that you're powerful and made in My image. You're mighty and there's nothing you cannot do. Come to Me and I will show you all the wonderful things I put in you.”

Personal Project:

Spend time gazing upon His image and see yourself in Him. 1. Take time daily this week, to spend a few moments of quiet with Him. 2. Sit until all the noise passes (your thoughts, your worries, your plans, etc...) 3. When it is finally quiet, what do you hear your Father saying to you? The first couple of days may take a while before your spirit can quiet down. You’ve been running fast for a long time. However, as you keep going, you'll come to peace and hear His words to you. Rest in your Father.

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