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Your Sacrifice Was Not In Vain

The Israelites needed to cross the wilderness to get to the promised land. Their wilderness time transformed them out of their slave mentality. They knew the power of their God. What has your wilderness time taught you today, as you step into your promised land?

Ending Note:

Colette and I just got back from South Africa - did you listen to the podcast we recorded for you on Safari?

Your Sacrifice Was Not In Vain

By Anne Chen

Today's Word is for those feeling confused by the changes in circumstance in their lives, this is your direction!

When the Lord takes you through a process, sometimes it's hard to recognize when you're on the other side. So if your circumstances have changed, it's not because you made a mistake. The Lord placed you in new soil so you can flourish and grow.

"My child, I know the journey you walked was difficult. But every sacrifice you made will now bear fruit. I have ordered your steps and brought you to this unfamiliar land for a purpose.

Don't worry about what you will encounter. You’re no longer the same person. Where your efforts produced thorns and thistles, you will now reap a harvest. Before, others mocked and rejected you for your flaws. Those flaws were refined to produce the grace that my people need

You have eyes to see the needs of my people. I’ve given you weapons to overcome any opposition. Your process forged you into the warrior I need for my people.

Shake off the doubts of the past. Don't be afraid and trust in the process I have taken you through. I brought you to a land where your labor will produce good fruit and many will join you in this work. Walk with confidence in this new season. Take the land and build my Kingdom with joy."

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