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You’re meant to walk in favor - here’s what to do

I grew up being taught that to be a good Christian meant to be poor and without friends. It took years to shake this nasty doctrine off me. I soon learned that God needed me to walk in favor to extend His Kingdom! If you can’t walk through open doors… how ever will you reach the people on the other side?

So don’t fall for the lie that these closed doors are of God. He needs you to walk through open doors. He wants you to walk in favor. Favor that extends His Kingdom!

Shake off doubt today and embrace this powerful word from one of our Next Gen Prophets! Eloise is a Nehemiah type prophet and a powerhouse in prayer. She is one of many collaborating in our Prophetic Mentorship Program!

Ending Note:

I’m in my happy place when a prophet finally embraces their worth! I see the treasure in you! You have just one more day to grab a Prophetic Mentorship Package. GET THERE NOW! I look forward to getting to know you!

You're Meant To Walk In Favor - Here's What To Do

By Eloise Flanders

Today's Prophetic Word is for those who have been facing disfavor and lack, don't accept it any longer!

If you are walking in disfavor it is not because of the Lord. It is time to look at the areas you have not given up control. Your obedience teaches others how to live by faith and success.

The Lord placed his seal on you to live as He did. You have the anointing to live an abundant life through Christ. Reveal Jesus to the unjust on what to look forward to when they open their heart to the Lord.

"My child, favor, and blessings are part and parcel of being My diplomat. You inspire others to chase out the light rather than live in despair. You lead the charge for your family, ministry, and in the marketplace.

Be a willing vessel to reveal love to the broken and inspire courage to the weak. Be eager to see the gifts in others and to push them to excellence. In so doing you will draw them to Me.

I commissioned you to be a trendsetter for the My Kingdom. Teach them to excel beyond where they stand today. Your life is a billboard for the world to see me through you.

Take all of what I have trained you to do in every area of your life. In my name, you will tear down the kingdom of darkness and bring the light into these realms. This is your mandate.

Set the standard that set you apart and example others look at to follow. This is your call to step forward and live out loud says the Lord."

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