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Yield Your Sword, The Lord Has New Instructions For You

Presented by Toach Ministries International

You felt a shift in the spirit, what worked before, does not. The warfare you mastered does not have the same results.

It could be, you completed your orders and now are fighting the hand of God! It’s time to put down that sword of yours, to see what the Lord’s will is. Take the time to get new eyes to see, so you can take on the enemy again. This is the key to achieving devastating results again. You have not lost your anointing, you just need to redirect it!

Ending Note:

If this Daily Prophetic Word spoke to you and you need help. I have just the audio message for you. It’s called, How to Run the Race, you can get your copy at


Yield Your Sword, The Lord Has New Instructions For You

By Bethany Sealy


Today's Prophetic Word is the prophets who can feel the shift in the spirit!

"I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone [just one grain, never more]. But if it dies, it produces much grain and yields a harvest." - John 12:24

There comes a time when you must lay down your sword and surrender.

You have fought hard for God’s promise, but you don’t see He’s been asking you to surrender for quite some time. You think you will break through by fighting harder. But the Lord is calling you to let it go.

The Lord says to you:

"Let go of your striving and fighting. Let go of your determination to see it through. I have not called you to keep fighting. I’ve called you to let it die.

My child, you’re not fighting your enemy, you’re fighting Me. You fight My hand that tries to shape and position you. I have mapped out the road ahead of you, but you keep swinging your sword in every direction except the one I’ve called you to.

Put the sword down. Put the fight away. Let go and surrender your ideas of what you’re up against and realize that you do not have eyes to see. You don’t see where I am taking you. You don't even see the next step ahead of you. Can you lead yourself out of this wilderness? Can you navigate your way out of your mess? No. You can’t. You can’t see the blinders you wear. You can't see where the enemy has caused you to sidetrack off the path, I’ve set you on.

As you lay the sword into My hands and surrender your will to Mine, I will raise you up to be like Me. You will know the plans I have for you. The places I need you to go to. Don't think you have the answers. Come yielded, ready to receive the instructions you need to move forward,"

Thanks for reading!

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