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This Dramatic Shift Confirms Your Call To Marketplace Ministry

Updated: Jul 14, 2022

When God opened the doors for us to publish on Charisma Podcasting Network, I didn't expect what came next.

I expected the steady growth of our ministry. I didn't expect the shift to marketplace ministry. It takes a lot more to launch a ministry than content. Think about it. I've authored 40 books and it wasn't enough. It was only when God had me sit under Dr. Steve Greene that I got it. WIthout marketplace ministry, we wouldn't reach the prophets.

What feels like a sideswipe is God's plan in motion. So if God led you out of ministry to focus on the marketplace, you didn't miss Him. Quite the opposite, you joined leaders, just like me, who are called to blaze a trail for others to follow!

May this word impart fire to you!

Love and blessings Colette Toach P.S. You get these regular impartations because of our NextGenProphets sponsors! Join the tribe and take advantage of our numerous benefits! Click Here:

Then this Prophetic Word is For You in the Marketplace! by Anja Sager

When I looked through Scripture, God showed me an interesting pattern concerning some of the heroes of faith that He positioned "in the marketplace" in times past. If we look at Joseph, Daniel, and Esther: they were all forcefully taken out of their familiar circumstances (where they were most likely perfectly happy). They were replanted in a completely unfamiliar environment. They found themselves in the world, serving under ungodly masters who didn't abide by their laws and traditions. If you feel the same way about your journey, then this word is for you.

"You thought that you failed Me, My child, when you suddenly found yourself planted in worldly surroundings. You were convinced that you were walking out My plan B when all the ministry doors closed and you found yourself stuck in the workplace.

Imagine I would have told Joseph that I needed him to become a slave in Egypt in order to save humanity from a huge drought and create a way for My people in a land they would have never gone to otherwise.

Imagine I would have told Daniel that he needed to become a servant in the king's palace in Babylon in order to change the course of history.

Esther would have considered it a dream would I have called her to become the king's queen to save My people. I even called Abraham out of his country without telling him where I was leading him.

My child, you wouldn't keep walking if I were to tell you My end goal for you. It's too great for you to fathom. It's only after some time that you discover the tremendous plan I'm leading you through. With every step you take, you gain more wisdom and understanding of the mysteries of My Kingdom that I'm unfolding before your very eyes.

Mindsets need to be broken, templates need to be changed and thoughts need to be shifted in order for Me to show you what I've planned. So, come to peace with the fact that you don't know everything just yet.

Know without a doubt though that you aren't walking out plan B because you weren't fit enough for plan A. You aren't second-rate. Shake off all the guilt and condemnation satan tries to keep you bound in chains with. These chains are hindering you from standing in the full power and beauty I've given you. I'm here to break those chains.

Stand proudly in your position. Shine brightly in your place. Be confident in who I made you be. Your road will always be different. Yet, it's the plan I've purposed you to fulfill from the moment you were born. You are where you need to be."

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