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The Steps You've Taken Have Purpose. Now Reach Your Goal!

Updated: May 21, 2022

This word hits home for everyone who is being trained by the Holy Spirit. Often I only "get" my journey when I stand to preach. As I put my notes together I see the markers along my road. Why God led me down the path makes sense. Why I had to struggle makes sense. Then as I stand to deliver that word a completely fresh anointing comes out. This is what God is doing in your life too!

I know the journey can be confusing at times. Not to worry! When you are positioned, every step will make sense! Love and blessings Colette Toach

Are you unsure if you are on the right path? This Prophetic Word is For You! by Nathan Berry

Have you been pulling your hair out trying to make sure that you're walking down the right path? For whatever reason, you've been feeling unsettled in your spirit, even though you're doing what God instructed. If this is you, then this is your message from the Lord today. He doesn't wish to leave you unsure. In fact, He's busy structuring your life at the moment to increase your influence and effectiveness in His Kingdom.

Allow Me to Position You

“My child, you’ve travailed and looked for the pieces that you need. You’ve gone to conferences. You've studied books and teachings. Yet you still search because, in your spirit, you know something is missing. My love, don't weigh yourself down with anxiety. Don't be afraid that I won't use you because you've taken too long to obtain the knowledge and understanding needed for your journey.

It's up to Me to lead you to the right place. It's for the shepherd to take the sheep to the green pasture. Even though you've found knowledge and gained some understanding, you don't feel settled because you need Me to position you.

I've Got Follow Up Instructions for You

You need the correct environment and relationships, along with knowledge and understanding, in order to achieve success in the call that I have for you. The instruction I gave you wasn't only meant to lead you to knowledge. With it, I'm putting you in a place of influence. I have a strategic plan that you must be meticulously positioned for.

So, allow Me to lead you one step at a time. Pay close attention to the light I'm shining on the path in front of you. You've already begun to get the revelation you need. Yet, there is more that I must reveal to you. There's further instruction for you to follow. Tarry for a while as I reveal the latter parts of this instruction. As you walk out one instruction at a time, you'll work together with Me to build My church", says the Lord.


  1. Recall the last instruction God gave you, and ask Him to reveal the next part.

  2. Pay close attention to instructions that especially position you in an uncomfortable environment and surround you with specific relationships.

  3. Pass the instruction by your pastor, leader, or a seasoned believer for confirmation.

The Lord is aligning you in a New Testament, NextGen way. For the greatest success in your calling, the Father is establishing you in a team. He's expanding your support system and simultaneously expanding the support system of His church.

Check out for more!

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