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Take A Step Towards Vision And Know God Supports You

Updated: May 20, 2022

Don’t allow the enemy to sidetrack you! The Lord leads you with a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day. This word will open your eyes to the wisdom right in front of you! Love and blessings Colette Toach

If you need direction and clarity, then this Prophetic Word is For You! by Anja Sager

"The passion you have been missing lies in the vision that I have given you, My child. It's time that you take your land back from the enemy.

I never meant for you to be confused or clueless. But, just as I led the Israelites through the desert with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, so shall My vision for you be your driving force and guide you to the destination I called you to reach.

Be aware of the enemy, though, for he knows the power that lies in you embracing that vision and putting your focus on it. When he manages to bury your vision, he succeeds in snatching your passion, and so your daily work for Me becomes just work. No matter whether David was running from Saul, hiding in the cave of Adullam, or serving under the Philistines, he never lost vision of what I called him to do. He questioned it at times and wondered if what he was doing would still lead him to the fulfillment of this vision, yet, he never lost vision.

Seek Me concerning your vision today and I will help you wash away the dirt that covers it. For I desire that the vision I have given you becomes the driving force in everything you do. Can you taste the passion bubbling up? Can you feel the fire increasing? It is available to you today, My child.

As you focus on your vision each day, you will go about the work that lays before you with a very different perspective. You will see what I see. You will change your steps, and the tasks that I gave you will start to make sense again."


To help you identify the vision God has given you, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What makes you cry?

  • What is the passion that keeps you awake at night?

Start right there and allow God to uncover that gem in you.

Check out for more!

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