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Speak out and heal nations!

Be angry, and do not sin": do not let the sun go down on your wrath," - Ephesians 4:26

There is a fine line between anger in the Godly, and fleshly anger! Too many of us have been victims of the latter. And see it as a monster ready to devour!

Anger administered through a worthy, vessel in love, and inspired by the Lord, will advance the Kingdom and heal nations. It’s because you hate it so much, that the Lord is calling you today! Anger like any tool needs instruction to master. Allow the Lord to teach you and set His people free!

Ending Note:

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Speak Out And Heal Nations!

By Jessica Toach

Today's Word is for those with a heart to bring peace around them, this is your call to action!

God has a favor to ask of you today. You see conflict around you, you see injustice, but you are too afraid to get involved. You sit on the fence as the words in your heart eat you up. Today God is talking to you, and he asks...

"Why do you sit quiet, when I have given you something to say? Why do you silence Me and the words I have to speak? Do you not know that I am the one speaking through you? Your tongue is a tool of fire that I use to tear down and to build up.

Wolves have infiltrated my church, but my people don't see it. They do not defend themselves from the enemy’s attacks. They have no one to protect them. They lay hurt, crying for my love to protect them. My child, my heart bleeds for those tricked and stolen away from the flock. Those who now bleed out in the wilderness.

That’s why I have called you, as my champion, to be their defender. Their strength, and light that leads them out of the darkness, and back to me. My child, arise and shine, let your light be known. With your bold voice and determination of love, you will heal my nation.

Stop fighting my hand. Fear not the struggles within you. Don’t fear the turmoil and morel battle you feel. For I am not calling you to be moral, I am calling you to be a soldier. To be my agent. To defend those who have been assaulted.

Protect the broken and beat down. It’s only your words of life that will restore their glory. Your words of anger will defend them from the devil.

I call you to war my child. Don't turn away from the circumstance I have put you in. Stand firm being unmoving but above all protect my beloved. Say the Lord."

Are you ready to answer the Lord’s call? Today, I want you to look around you and make note of all the conflicts. Where is someone getting torn down? What can you do about it?... Do it! Step out today and the Lord will be with you as you go into battle

Thanks for reading!

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