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Prayer Warriors: The Enemy Is Regrouping And God Needs You On The Battlefield

Updated: May 20, 2022

This word will fire you up! When engaged in spiritual warfare we cannot afford to sit on our laurels! When it becomes quiet in the spirit is when we must press in, not give up! This message is a word in season if you are an intercessor. Listen up! God is speaking to you Love and blessings, Craig and Colette Toach P.S. Grab your sword of the spirit and Persistent Prayer - Angels and Demons at Work. PRESS IN!

This word goes out to all of you prayer warriors. by Deborah-Anne Velthuysen

When I sought the Lord for a word today, He showed me a vision of you standing in the middle of a battlefield. In this vision, your armor was very grubby and you were weary. You pushed the enemy back and were ready to sit down for a moment to catch your breath. As you did, Jesus stepped up behind you and placed a firm hand on your back, saying:

"It is easy to forget the spiritual warfare when you have won one battle and the enemy gives you the room to breath while they regroup, but, My child, do not become complacent and allow yourself to fall for their trap. For the enemy is regrouping, and now is not the time for you to sit back and take a breath, rather now is the time to push forward even harder than before.

So, here I stand, ready to show you My love and bless you. If you want to follow Me, then follow Me through the valley of the shadow of death. Follow Me as I go through the cross. Follow Me as I weep. Follow MDo not worry about your wounds, I will arrange a time for healing, but now I need you to wield your weapon of warfare with the surety you felt when you first began to war in the spirit. Strengthen your mind with My word, and begin to decree into the earth again. Call the circumstances into line, and bring the systems of this world under My control. Press on for victory is near! Stop only to sharpen your blade or to be precise in your next blow. Take advantage of the enemy's retreat and push them further back until there is nowhere left for them to run.

This is what effective spiritual warfare looks like. It is messy and makes you bone-weary, but once the battle is won victory will taste very sweet, and I will be able to step in to do My work. I will then bring My promises to you to pass, and I will begin to war while you heal in the medical tent and prepare for the next battle."e as I pay the ultimate price for My people, and then I will indeed bless you and I will call you My Anointed One, My good and faithful servant."

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