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God Calls The Prophet Out Of The Shadows And Into The Trenches

Updated: Jun 2, 2022

This word isn't for everyone. Rather it's for the Next Gen Prophet that's ready to be counted. Your mandate isn't an easy one. God always positions you in the trenches. You are sent behind enemy lines. This may have confused you. Perhaps you feel lost. Today, you'll find your answers.

Not only are you perfectly positioned, but you aren't alone. You share this journey with an entire team of prophets just like you. Read the word and embrace your marching orders prophet. From there, submit a registration to the AMI Prophetic School. We've got work to do and you need specialist training with which to do it! Love and blessings, Craig and Colette Toach P.S. It's nearly time! Just a few more days until our Prophetic Gathering in Houston Texas. If you're in the region, come out to meet us. Please register first though as seating is limited. REGISTER FOR FREE HERE

This prophetic word is for the prophets on the front lines of warfare. by Deborah-Anne Velthuysen

Today, I saw a vision of a very particular prophet: One who was wrapped in dark clothing, and seemed to be hiding in the shadows. So, I asked the Lord what this meant. He said, “This word is for those I'm calling to the front lines; those who feel as though they've been hidden away, and whose spiritual warfare has begun to intensify.”

As I sought the Lord for further wisdom for these particular prophets, He showed me a vision. I saw you being clothed in Kevlar and placed in a secret bunker. At first it seemed dark and like you were alone, but then the lights came on to find a team waiting for you with every weapon you would need for your mission.

The Lord then said:

“I'm the Lord your God. I'm the maker of heaven, King of all creation, and I've commissioned you as a vessel of dishonor. I have not called you to build cities on a hill, but to dig trenches and to break ground. I've called you to dig in the soil, to uproot every crooked work of the enemy. I've placed you in the wilderness to carve out a path for others to follow, and I've put you in position to expose every intent of the enemy.

This is call is not to be taken lightly. Your work is one that is done in secret, under the cover of night. I'll give you words to pray, decrees to send and spiritual birthing to travail for. I'm calling you away from the front lines. Instead, I'm bringing you to a place of silence to hear My instructions, to receive My wisdom and to begin building My systems that will last for generations.

I do this for your protection that I may cover you and stand against the personal attacks the enemy will throw at you. The task I've called you to complete is no small feat. You'll cast mountains into the sea. You'll see the lame walk and you'll see miracles. However, this will make you a target for the enemy. So, prepare yourself for the attacks that will come.

However, you are not alone in this task. For I'll connect you with a band of warriors that I've given the same commission to. You'll work with one another, hold each other accountable, and most importantly, you'll wage war against the enemy’s worldly systems. Stand under My cover. Stand under the cover of your band and leader that I may protect you from these attacks.

Prepare yourself, My sleeping giant, for I send out the trumpet call to awaken your spirit, and to quicken you to war.”

Prophet of God, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is of the utmost importance. It will require strategy and collaboration. So, here is a project you can start with:

  1. Grab the Prophetic Warrior & Super Spy Book by Apostle Colette Toach from the store.

  2. Set aside some time each day to seek the Lord for what system He needs you to pray through. Pray through that system every day, until God tells you to focus elsewhere.

Allow the prayer to evolve. The more you pray through, the more specific the instruction will become.

For your next steps or further training and equipping on this subject, give our prophetic school team a call at: 858 800 2205, where one of our #NextGenProphets would be more than happy to help you out.

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