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Fall Into My Arms Prophet, I Got You!

Updated: Jul 14, 2022

I fell in love with Jesus in my ugliest moment.

My parents were in the throes of divorce and I felt unseen. Jesus didn’t reveal Himself to me when I was perfect. He came to me when I was broken. It’s why I love Him so much.

Do you even know how much He loves you? If He loved you in your “ugly” how much more now that you’ve grown in Him. Let this word call you to Him today. You need it. Love and blessings Colette Toach P.S. Grab your free copy of “I’m Not Crazy, I’m a Prophet” by joining our Apostle’s Memoirs mailing list. Subscribe here

If you're feeling overwhelmed by circumstances, then this prophetic word is for you! By Jodia Mattison

Come Higher to Get My View of the Land

When you love, you go all in. There's nothing too good that you won’t give to others. It fills you with joy to know others are okay. You’re a nurturer.

Prophet, your heart beats with the heart of our Lord Jesus. You carry the very emotion of our Lord! Out of your heart flow rivers of living water. Circumstances come and knock at your door. At times it feels like you are in a whirlwind. You don't know which side is up or down. Keep your heart pure before the Lord. He says to you:

“My child, call out to Me. I’m the essence of your being. Fall in My arms, and I will gather those that surround you. I will fight for you. Come, sit at My feet. I give you eyes to see. My child, you carry My heart. Let Me show you how I feel about the circumstances around you. No matter the situation, receive My heart, and you will know what to do. You will have the right spirit to take it on.

I’m in you, prophet. You’re My mouthpiece. Get My view first. Gain My perspective because you trust Me. Go through the process. I sat through the darkness in Gethsemane, and I was not afraid. I knew the heart of the one who sent Me. I allowed the wind to toss Me. Now I stand in authority for you today.

Don't be afraid. It’s time to come up higher. Help My generals with the authority I gave you. I’m with you, My beloved. I desire more for you. Come now and take My hand to learn of Me. My burden is light. Let the wind buffet you.”

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