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Allow Your Circumstances With Obedience

Do you know a swinging cork can move an iron bar? Over time, a continual obedient transfer of energy will result in movement. Meaning - size doesn’t matter.

That means your obedient portion of faith transfer, will cause your circumstance to align. Growth comes through repetition, which builds your faith. Today the Lord calls you to obedience! Allow your portion of faith to swing and see your circumstance align like dominoes, ready to fall!

Ending Note:

To all the Apostles out there, Colette and I know the road you walk daily. Let us help you succeed, join our Apostolic Mentorship Program event.

Allow Your Circumstances With Obedience

By Denise Jordan

Today's Word is an encouragement to those facing warfare and confusion hindering their call!

As I sought the Lord for a word for you, I had to push through lots of warfare. I could see the enemy attack your mind.

As I prayed, a vision came into focus. I saw you on a well lit path. You were sure in your direction and a broad smile lit up your face. Suddenly, the light left, and darkness took over. You couldn’t see even an inch in front of you. Your heartbeat picked up. Your mind began to race with questions.

I saw the Lord take your hand and wrap His arm around you:

“My beloved child, come to peace. Stop for a moment and feel me right next to you. I know you’re scared because you cannot see, but that’s okay. I’m here with you. Hold onto me, and listen to my voice to direct you to take the next step.

Regardless of what you can, and cannot see, what matters is that you keep your hands in mine. Keep your ears pressed against my heart and listen for my direction.

Take the next step in obedience to my voice. It doesn’t matter whether you see the entire journey before you. Your obedience and trust in me, will light up the path. Don't walk ahead because you can see perfectly, but because you’re safe in my presence. You know what I asked you to do.

Your obedience to me, will cause your circumstances to come into alignment with my will. Your obedience in me, will begin a shift so my plans can come to pass. Your obedience in me, will defeat the enemy whose been lurking in the shadows wanting to take you off course.

Rest assured that my hand is upon you, child. Your obedience is the light in the darkness you’re surrounded with. Be bold with it, and step forward now, my beloved.”

If this word spoke to you, head over to the NextGen Prophets podcast channel and listen to the last three podcasts of 2022. Apostles Craig and Colette Toach share how to make a plan for the year ahead. Start your journey with this podcast:

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